Baldauf Käse +49 (0) 8381 89020 Familiengeführt. Seit 160 Jahren.

Baldauf Bio 1862 Meisterstück

Produktinformationen "Baldauf Bio 1862 Meisterstück"

Baldauf BIO 1862 – named after the year the company was founded, bears the addition "masterpiece" for us, because it embodies everything that has been conceived, created, tested, developed, matured, refined and brought to maturity over generations. It embodies over 150 years of experience in the cheese-making trade – the result is an organic hard cheese in the premium range.

At the 32nd World Cheese Awards in Bergamo, Italy, our masterpiece was honoured with the coveted prize for the best German cheese !

With over 3,800 cheeses from 42 nations submitted, we received an internationally recognised seal of quality at this top-class global cheese event.

  • At least 50% fat in dry matter
  • Hard cheese made from organic raw milk (pasture milk TSG)
  • Matured for at least 8 months.

Control number: DE-Öko-006

Baldauf Bio 1862 Meisterstück product sheet

Artikelvarianten: 180 g egalisiert, 300 g egalisiert, Laibware
Besonderheiten: Essbare Naturrinde, Tierisches Lab, aus Allgäuer Bio Heu- & Weidemilch
Käseart: Hartkäse
Milchverarbeitung: aus Rohmilch