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Baldauf Bio Alpkäse Urgestein

Produktinformationen "Baldauf Bio Alpkäse Urgestein"

It's time for a real cheese tradition! Since time immemorial, our Allgäu mountain cheese has been made in the valley all year round and nothing has changed to this day because we still produce in our village dairy in Hopfen using traditional methods and fresh Allgäu pasture milk.

A good reason to honour this beautiful tradition with a very special cheese. Our alpine cheese Urgestein is made according to the original recipe of the first Allgäu mountain cheese. The hard cheese made from raw milk is allowed to mature for a whole 16 months, not just anywhere, but on real spruce wood in the maturing cellar. This is exactly where we leave our alpine cheese to rest in peace and quiet until the end of the maturing period. This creates the typical spicy flavour of extra-long matured cheese, which nevertheless tastes pleasantly creamy on the palate.

  • At least 50 % fat in dry matter.
  • Hard cheese made from organic raw milk
  • Matured for 16 months

Control number: DE-Öko-006

Baldauf Organic Alpkäse Urgestein product sheet

Artikelvarianten: 300 g egalisiert, Laibware
Besonderheiten: Essbare Naturrinde, Tierisches Lab, aus Allgäuer Bio Heu- & Weidemilch
Käseart: Hartkäse
Milchverarbeitung: aus Rohmilch