Baldauf Käse +49 (0) 8381 89020 Familiengeführt. Seit 160 Jahren.

Baldauf Bio Pfefferduo

Produktinformationen "Baldauf Bio Pfefferduo"

Double pepper enjoyment with the finest cheese flavour. For our organic pepper duo, green pepper and whole, pink peppercorns meet in the cheese paste. The mild farmhouse cheese for the spicy duo is made from fresh, natural organic pasture milk and is allowed to mature for at least three months in the Baldauf cheese cellars. The result is a savoury delicacy in organic quality with plenty of pepper under the edible rind.

  • At least 50 % fat in dry matter.
  • Semi-hard cheese made from pasture milk
  • Matured for at least 12 weeks

Control number: DE-Öko-006

Baldauf organic pepper duo product sheet

Artikelvarianten: Laibware
Besonderheiten: Essbare Naturrinde, Saisonkäse, Tierisches Lab, aus Allgäuer Bio Heu- & Weidemilch , mit Kräutern / Walnüssen / Pfeffer / Trüffel im Käseteig
Käseart: Schnittkäse
Milchverarbeitung: aus pasteurisierter Milch