Baldauf Käse +49 (0) 8381 89020 Familiengeführt. Seit 160 Jahren.

Baldauf Der Allgäuer

Produktinformationen "Baldauf Der Allgäuer"

The long maturing period gives this semi-hard cheese made from fresh pasture milk its exceptional, full flavour - meltingly smooth on the palate, with a strong finish. The fine red rind can also be eaten and provides additional flavourful accents. With its creamy, melt-in-the-mouth consistency, this semi-hard cheese is reminiscent of a longer matured mountain cheese.

  • At least 50 % fat in dry matter
  • Semi-hard cheese made from pasture milk
  • Matured for at least 4 months

Baldauf Der Allgäuer won the gold medal at the 33rd World Cheese Championship Contest in Wisconsin, USA and is therefore best in class in the semi-hard cheese category!

Baldauf Der Allgäuer product sheet

Artikelvarianten: 180 g egalisiert, 300 g egalisiert, Laibware
Besonderheiten: Essbare Naturrinde, Tierisches Lab, aus Allgäuer Heu- & Weidemilch
Käseart: Schnittkäse
Milchverarbeitung: aus pasteurisierter Milch