Baldauf Käse +49 (0) 8381 89020 Familiengeführt. Seit 160 Jahren.

Baldauf Muhhh - Käse für Kids

Produktinformationen "Baldauf Muhhh - Käse für Kids"

The little ones are delighted and might even let the grown-ups try ... Why not produce a cheese especially for kids? Thought, done and so, after 5 years in our in-house laboratory, we have developed an extra mild culture. This cheese culture is sure to deliver a MUHHH, our semi-hard cheese made from Allgäu pasture milk with at least 50% fat in dry matter and an edible natural rind, a very special, creamy, mild flavour that is guaranteed to delight every child. Since 1862, has stood for traditional cheese production in harmony with nature, according to an old recipe, from our own cultures and fresh pasture milk.

  • At least 50 % fat in dry matter.
  • Semi-hard cheese made from pasture milk

Baldauf Muhhh - Käse für Kids product sheet

Artikelvarianten: 180 g egalisiert, Laibware
Besonderheiten: Essbare Naturrinde, Tierisches Lab, aus Allgäuer Heu- & Weidemilch
Käseart: Schnittkäse
Milchverarbeitung: aus pasteurisierter Milch