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Prinzregent Luitpold Bio-Bergkäse PP

Produktinformationen "Prinzregent Luitpold Bio-Bergkäse PP"
Prinzregent Luitpold Bio-Bergkäse is the traditional hard cheese made from Bavarian organic raw milk. Pure joie de vivre! Here, the old cheese-making craft is combined with red cultures on spruce boards in the in-house maturing cellars. This allows the mountain cheese to develop its full flavour and gives it a firm but melt-in-the-mouth texture.

Hard cheese, at least 50 % fat in dry matter.

Maturing time: at least 8 months

Equalised and packaged in a protective atmosphere.

Artikelvarianten: 180 g egalisiert, Laibware
Besonderheiten: Essbare Naturrinde, Tierisches Lab, aus Allgäuer Bio Heu- & Weidemilch
Käseart: Hartkäse
Milchverarbeitung: aus Rohmilch